Developer Docs

Making it easy for web3 projects to integrate with our vendor network is our top priority. We offer a simple, on-chain API that allows any web3 project to place orders for products listed on VennDAO.

In order for your smart contract to place an order, you need the following:

  • The VennDAOOrders contract address and interface
  • The productId of the product you want to order
  • The quantity of the product you want to order
  • The address of the recipient of the refund
  • The data the vendor requires to fulfill the order. These fields are available on each product.
    • publicFields are passed in as an array of strings.
    • encryptedFields must be encryped before being passed in. Encryption must follow the steps seen in this function.

With this information, you can then calculate the price of your order, allow VennDAO to transfer that amount, and call VennDAO.placeOrder()with the appropriate arguments.

An example of this process looks like this:

A project by The Big Goose  •